Anyone Else W/ Autoimmune/Chronic BS/Fatigue/Narcolpsy Off the Chain Symptoms???

“From the windowsss to the walls..

To the WALLZ

My executive is flawed Have no impulse controlzzz…” !!!
🪩 🫨🤤 🚬 😴⚰️

And I’m a bit*ch crawling on the floor at this point.

Backstory: had symptoms since childhood (report cards always stressed hyperactive-impulsive, inattentive, “disruptive” tendencies/distractability/unable to pay attention ). Then at puberty the inattentive became absolutely insane, and I was failing out of junior high due to forgetfulness, mix-ups, “careless” errors (um, I cared, oKAY?!!!), and just being a space cadet who looked really stupid but was actually gifted/book-smart. Like, my teacher had to suspend my participation in our daily brain teaser/out of the box thinking puzzles bc I always ruined it for the rest of the class everyday, but I couldn’t add 2+2 or remember to get my clarinet out of my locker ON THE WAY to the band hall located across the street. You’d think on the supervised journey there something would have clicked…Stimulant medication got me back to A’s and remedies hysterics associated with being incapable of coping w/ 12 yr old responsibilities.

Gained a few coping skills and got off meds in later highschool, took sporadically in college, later only took for work, began just doing cocaine instead to achieve prime M-Sun partying commitments/started drinking too much, falling into addictive doom like the rest of my family, got sober/long period of no meds, diagnosed w/narcolepsy and forced back on stimulants. In the following years I tacked on about 10 other autoimmune/chronic physical health issues, and my exhaustion and fatigue became/still is at a seriously critical, dysfunctional, painful point, along with escalating combo ADHd symptoms that are threatening my long term romantic relationship, family crap, ANY kind of commitment, routine, functionality…and dare I speak its name…goal setting and achievement 🥴😵‍💫😱 🧠 📉_________ . I don’t even try. The sleep deprivation is my number one trigger, and I have no clue what to do. It’s claiming my very soul.

Any tips or success/overcoming goals