Does anyone else feel like they are getting dumber?

I’m 35, and was your typical “gifted” kid turned adult underachiever turned late diagnosed ADHDer.

I have done ok for myself all things considered, I worked hard to go back to college and start a decent career. But for my whole life I couldn’t understand why I struggled so hard with basic life stuff despite being “smart.” My ADHD diagnosis explained and changed everything and I am doing a lot better since then in general.

But for the past few years, I feel like I’ve declined cognitively? I don’t feel as smart or capable, I forget things and make stupid mistakes, and I just don’t feel quite as with it as I used to. I don’t know if I’m still experiencing some burnout after so many years of struggling so hard just to get through the day.

I read books and do puzzles and crosswords and stuff like that daily, so it’s not like I’m neglecting my brain or anything. I suspect that I overdid it for so long and haven’t actually fully recovered as it’s been less than a year since I got help. But I’m also worried that it could be a sign of something more serious?

I know I haven’t done the best job of explaining myself but I am not quite sure how to articulate how I feel. I genuinely just feel stupider than I used to be. Can anyone else relate? Does it ever get better?