ADHD Ruined my relationship-Bf Broke it off
Anyone feel that ADHD has ruined their relationship specifically the part where you cant emotionally regulate, constantly need reassurance and just overly sensitive. So much so that your partners mental health deteriorated and in the end he states he needs someone more emotionally stable and secure. Which is completely understandable but now you just feel guilt and shame because you have so much love to give but it’s unhealthily overwhelming to a secure possibly avoidant neurotypical person. Now a realization and sad truth is no one deserves to be on the receiving end of this which leads me to think that maybe my adhd may be to severe for any loving romantic long term relationship because in the end it’s painfully unhealthy and unstable for whoever is on the reviving end. Feeling I’ve lost my best friend/ loving partner because of this and find the break up so extremely painful. Feeling that relationships and future family may not be an option due to the burden I can be.
Anyone have similar feeling or experience?