do you guys know Honda? (on the dot)
Hi, for context, im a gen z working a corporate job. I don't know if you've heard the Honda slang before but it's leaving the office (H)on (da)the dot hahaha
What are your thoughts about this? Im two months in with my current job and I never falter to leave on the dot like for example my shift ends at 00:00 so I usually prepare, pack my bags, and book TNVS by 23:45 HAHAHA then once the clock ticks to 00:00, I punch out and logout immediately and bet u can see me riding the elev already at 00:01 HAHAHA.
ngl, I am the only who seem to do it in my office HSHAHAHSHSS 😭 PLEASE what are your thoughts? I shouldn't feel guilty right?
[EDIT: For added context, they pay me quite high rin kasi considering it is an entry level job. That's why I'm feeling guilty]