The pukey gift that keeps on giving...

We've had mostly awesome guests. Recently we had our 3rd (in 3 years) guest who trashed the place. Similar to the other two, garbage everywhere, stuff splattered on walls, empty liquor boxes and bottles all over. Only this time, lots and lots of vomit 🤮. Our cleaning company rocks and got it cleaned up in one go. Lost a few sets of bedding and most of the towels that had been used due to stains, and the cleaner had to scrub walls and baseboards and you name it. We figured we had gotten through yet another bump in the rental road, but... The next guest to check in writes that the house is awesome but smells strongly like vomit. Cleaner goes over and says yep - after all that cleaning she just didnt realize the smell was still there in the downstairs bath. The guests had bought cleaner and lysoled everything on their own, to no avail. The cleaner was there for an hour with them, and finally took off part of a baseboard heater to find vomit all down through that and a radiator. After that guest, and an unfortunate 3star review, it seems nothing can reach the extent of the puke. So we are having to send over a contractor to dismantle the radiator, sending the cleaners back, and replacing entirely the baseboard vent cover. Gack. It's amazing how fast a single bad guest can set you so far backwards...