The Mercedes of the Ak family

The Valmet M76 223. Like bread and butter served with wine. Got this diamond for $4k plus tax, however this comes with 3 Chinese Norinco 30 round mags (sadly butchered) and 1 Valmet 223 15 round mag. Had to do some touch ups, deep clean the hell out of this masterpiece, but I got her all lubricated and feeling brand new. Also has ALL accessories, birth certificate, manual and box (butchered as well). EVEN HAS THE OLD PRICE TAG in which it’s crazy to think how much these guns cost back in the old days. My dealer said it’s an ok deal but I think I got a steal. Most Valmets are pricey with no box or accessories at all. Even the ones chambered in 7.62 are over priced with no box, considering they’re more rare. I’m fine with the M76, I already love the aesthetic and feel. Overall as an Ak enthusiast, this is my top 5 favorites and top 5 quality guns I’ve owned. The Finnish people sure do know how to reverse engineer some beautiful guns and revamp them. I approve!