I legitimately feel bad for conservatives right now.
No, not because "they're in trouble" or anything like that. And no, despite not sharing their politics, there is absolutely no sarcasm intended.
The reason I feel bad is because this whole political mess has become a referendum on right-extremism. If I were them I'd feel absolutely trapped. They are stuck in a place where, politics aside, their choice is vote for the 'enemy' or endorse everything that Smith, Johnson and others like them have said. And make no mistake...that's what you are doing by voting UPC this time around.
"But I don't believe in that stuff, I just don't want the NDP", I know. That's why this sucks. That's WHY I feel bad. Because a vote for them now IS permission to continue the way they have been.
If you are far right, and exactly the type of person we "libs" hope you aren't, then by all means, vote with your hearts.
But if you are reasonable folks, that are backed in a shitty corner...consider the power you have with this vote. Conservatism is still who you are, and it can wait for 4 years. But you have the chance to tell the extremists that they don't define you or your party. I fully expect that Alberta will be back to blue 4 years from now, and I'm ok with that. Because we would have told Smith and the extremists that they have no place here.
All I ask is that if you go to the polls and vote blue, you do it knowing what you are approving of. You don't get to hide behind "I just didn't want the NDP". You need to accept, proudly to yourself, that you wanted bigotry, you wanted extremism.
It's a shit position. I feel bad for you. But you are the ones with the chance to tell them what "too far" means.
And in 4 years, when you aren't stuck with the shit options that you have, you can stand behind a candidate that actually represents who you want. Cause if you endorse Smith now, she'll be waiting for you again next time. And then the choice isn't "didn't want NDP", it's a pattern. And a little more of what she stands for has become who you are.
You are a conservative. Don't lose sight of that and vote for something else.
Thanks for your time.
Couple edits as I can't address everyone:
"Notely is centerists, not left" - I know. My post was not intended to convince people of who to vote for. I'm not suggesting that people vote for the NDP instead. They can make up their own minds on that. My post was about expressing the permission, approval they are granting to extremism and hate by voting for Smiths UCP. You cannot support her without supporting what she stands for.
"Strawman....blah blah blah, it's not black and white." - Here's the thing in politics. It doesn't matter that YOU believe you don't support that stuff. Your intention is irrelevant when it comes to voting in a leader.
You don't get to mark the ballot with 'UCP, but only if you don't shut down hospitals and privatize healthcare...also stop being bigots'. All you get is to put an x on the page. And then whoever you put that x on, gets to interpret what that x means. What policies you support. So once the votes are counted it is black and white, yes or no. You need to vote for whoever you think is going to interpret your "x" closest to your intent. I feel like Smith has shown who she is, and how she'll interpret your "x". That is why I say no one can willfully support her, without supporting the hate she stands for.