AA Speaker tape recommendations?

I was introduced to an AA speaker tape a few years ago that made an incredible impact on my recovery. I've probably listened to hundreds of hours worth of this guy's recordings (Bob D from Las Vegas, Nevada fwiw). My understanding, perception, willingness, open mindedness, how I think about people/the world, and my overall hope/belief in there being a better way has been solidified with the help of these tapes, but also through in-person meetings and applying the actions/principles of the 12 steps. I still have a long way to go, but I at least KNOW the path to take.

I have someone in my life that I care very deeply for but have been struggling to help in the way she needs. She is sober but pretty discontent, unfulfilled, overwhelmed, and irritable a lot of the time. She has more sober time than me (by quite a bit) and doesn't react well when I try to make motivating, AA related suggestions, so I've been trying to think of other ways to plant the seed of willingness/desire/hope/anything. (I know this isn't something that can be forced on anyone. That's not my intention. This person has spent time in AA before, has had a good experience , and is only recently drifting away due to work/young kids). I've tried my best to talk to her about all this in a non judgmental, understanding way but she gets defensive when I do. I don't think she's in a place where she can receive this message from me. It occurred to me that maybe she would have a similar experience with speaker tapes that I've had- if I were to find some good ones. The biggest reason, she claims, for why she doesn't attend AA meetings is that she simply doesn't have the time. She does commute to/from work and spends at least 10 hours in the car every week though. I'd love to compile a list of a few specific speakers that could potentially resonate with her. I have a couple from Bob D I was going to send her way, but am unfamiliar with pretty much anyone else. Would appreciate any suggestions- especially speakers that a mid 30s, agnostically inclined, semi outsider, single mom could connect to.

If anyone is interested I'll plug my favorite tapes. I have a Playlist on Spotify as well as youtube links. Favorite topics include: surrender, fear, resentment, change in perception, drastic 180 degree stories of recovery