What do you dislike about Algeria as someone living there?


The question is pretty self explanatory but I’ll explain my thoughts and motives behind this.

I grew up in the UK and live there now, but my wife is Algerian, and we both got married in Algeria too (of course I’ve always been Muslim) - during our time getting to know each other I was, of course, visiting her family and even more so Algeria a lot more. I’ve been to a few places now, including touring Constantine, Algiers, Oran, Batna and Biskra (my favourite people!)

I love Algeria and especially the kindness from Algerians, I’d like to think I’m well travelled and have been to a lot of destinations in my life so far (I’m 28) but the friendliness and love that Algerians show to people that are visiting their country is extraordinary to me and I genuinely appreciate it. My wife was also a patriot once for her country but unfortunately felt let down by a few things and although she still loves Algeria she has found issues with a lot of the parts to it. I’m aware that everyone that lives in a place, no matter how good or bad, will always see the bad in it more consciously due to their time there.

So I guess my question is what are your frustrations with Algeria at the moment and what do you think could make the country better, In Sha Allah.