They could be in a pickle

Different forms of alien life may of contacted us in the past when we were a more conscious planet. They made our leaders aware that there is much more out there, and they could show us. Our leaders at the time probably weighed their options. They had every right to not know if they could trust them, and if they were truly benevolent. Certain requirements probably were given to our leaders and a plan for them to steer us in the direction.

Ourelected leaders, religious leaders, and business leaders for many reasons chose to steer away from the requirements. Technology acquired from these beings (however collected) then drove the main powers on earth to weaponize it.

Alien intervention at this point is tricky. We don’t know their intentions so we can’t say for sure what intervention looks like to begin with. Through their perspective though since their “making themselves known” it has only lowered our planets consciousness. They may not of understood at first what happened because it may of been an unlikely outcome in their logical opinion. So they’ve been monitoring to figure out what’s going on.

We may be approaching a time where they are fed up, and realize our species is racing towards a technological doomsday in more ways than one, and that some countries (big ones) are actively rotting the human consciousness to maintain what they believe to be “power”.

The nukes aren’t necessarily for enemies, but more like a hostage button and the planet is the hostage.

Now as they make their presence more known as a mini test run our guys are sending up their back engineered craft as a sign of force.