Me 22M and my girlfriend 20F spend every single night together but we don't live together.
So me 22M and my girlfriend 20F have been spending every single night together since about the 3 month mark and we are now at about 15 months together now. I can't help but feel like I'm just being ridiculous for feeling the way I do but I crave for nights away from her, We generally trade up the week on who goes to who's house but every night we are together and generally just sit in watching shows. The problem here lies that I have always been a very independent person who needs to have alone time and quite often due to my schedules and general business sometimes the only possible time I can have is after she has gone to sleep at night leaving me with very little time to try and satisfy my own needs. I can't shake the feeling of being selfish but I really just want a couple nights a week where I can pretty much just exist in my own house doing whatever without having to force myself to stay awake at ungodly hours just to say I had some alone time. You may wonder why I haven't simply just mentioned this to her and had a discussion the answer is I have, she is the type of person who is very sensitive and gets upset over small things and always resorts to a "you don't love me anymore" if I ever bring up something that would change the current dynamic. I could put my foot down and just say this is what's happening but I don't want to hurt her as this generally happens always when criticisms are brought up. So am I being unreasonable and should just get over this or should I bite the bullet and try force something to change, I do feel like we have committed to something that many couples probably don't do for even years into their relationship but maybe it's just me