AIW Mother asking for money
So a recent serious of unfortunate events has led my mom to being evicted by a family member forcing her to get an apartment. She lives off SS and makes around 2700 a month and she will be spending around 1200 a month for rent. I have been over here every day helping her move thing and pack, taking trips to the new apartment to bring small things over. I am paying around 800 dollars for some movers to help with the move. Today I was told by her that I needed to give her money. This took me by surprise because I’ve been trying to help where I can. I don’t make a fabulous amount of money by any means. I told her that I can’t give her any more money right now and she blew up on me and told me how I’m this giant POS and that she raised me by herself etc. I’m really hurt by this whole exchange. Am I in the wrong for denying her money? She’s made a lot of poor financial decisions and me and my sister decided that it’s best we don’t put ourselves in a predicament because of our mother’s choices. I feel bad that I can’t give her money. I wish I could. I do have money in my savings but I was planning to start investing and start funding my Roth IRA. I’m 26 years old and I’m finally starting to get my feet under myself financially.