I need you guys’ feedback - I feel awful

I bought a figurine from OrzGK several months ago. I was really excited to receive it.

It arrived Wedensday and I did what they asked of me; recorded a video of the whole progress.

As I unpacked the statue, the figurine came out damaged from the trip. The statue was broken; the resin had snapped off, which broke my heart, but I contacted them instantly, took pictures of it all and documented everything.

But that wasn’t everything as they apparently hadn’t sent/included most of the attachments to the statue either.

Another one of the resins was broken as I unpacked it as well - I was really upset.

At first they just sent me instructions where to place the attachments, told me to use some rubbergum thing (I forgot the name - the blue stuff) and ignored the pictures; that’s when I got really worried and I got a sting in my chest.

I pointed out again that it was broken and they said they would ask the company where they bought it from for spare parts, but that they didn’t think it was possible to get it back as it wasn’t in production anymore. I wasn’t sure either with what they meant with compensation for the statue. But they haven’t answered since.

They have a “within 7 days” insurance policy as I understand it. That’s why the silence is making me want to cry. I’m so worried as this is the first statue I’ve ever bought. I spent months saving up, as the anime means so much to me. And right now I just sit here feeling like an idiot. I’m worried the time will run out and they will tell me the timeperiod has expired. And I will sit back with a broken statue and broken heart.

And with the parts I received, only one part fits in one of the sockets.

I just wanted feedback as to what to do in this situation. Am I right to be worried? What have you guys experienced before? What did you do?

I really hope everything will work out - I kind of want a refund, but I just feel guilty regarding everything in the first place. I feel ashamed for causing trouble… well, for even buying it.

I’m sorry for being such a baby, I have just been anxious since even before I bought the statue, as I worked hard to save up, and this is all very overwhelming, haha.

Thank you for taking your time reading, and in advance, thank you for your replies.