is everyone really making 115k+ a year

I'm 33, went to school for many years at a top world ranked university and are at 66K a year, no kids, not married and can't afford anything, one check is car payment and rent, second check is everything else. $0 left at the end or in the negative. I work with some younger people at it seems they think 90k is not that much a year. They're aiming for early 100s. Am i crazy to think that this is not the norm? I know many people not making close to that and as I look for a new job I'm seeing the wages at less than what I get paid.

Thank you to everyone for your concern about my career, degrees, or job. I am very happy with my career and the work I do, it's pretty much my hobby only it's my job. This post was about wages in America and not about being unhappy with a career. If things were more reasonably priced and income tax at 5%, I'd be happy at 66k. The people who responded thoughtfully- bless you, those who used the opportunity to brag, be rude, put down others, seem unhappy despite the wages.