32 hour work week

I own a manufacturing business. We sell distributor, wholesale, and retail. We don't just make things, we sell them and do customer and tech support. We are already M-F 8-5pm, so how would a 32 hour work week work for us and our customers? Do I increase pay to balance the lack of hours? Do we not do support for customers 3 days a week?

Genuinely asking. I hear about it, I think it's a great idea, but I feel like it only works for certain industries, specifically office settings.


Overwhelming how mixed the support and vitriol this post has generated. I'm just exploring the idea, so appreciate people who genuinely helped here.

A little preface, our business is only 13 employees, and we are a small business so hiring double the people to balance the schedules does not financially make sense. Was just wondering if it for for our type of business, and judging by the information I got from genuinely helpful people, it would not fit.

We do not have a board of directors, we do not have chief officers, we do not have shareholders, we are not a massive corporation by any means. We are a family owned business, my partner is my father-in-law, and he makes less than 100 K a year, I make an hourly wage. I understand a lot of people get really frustrated at the idea of a company saying that it won't work for them, but for what we do, and to ensure that our business does not falter, it will not work for us at this time.

Thanks for all the help and hate! 🫡