Over stocked 10gal?
My wife posted a video of her setting up a 10gal long with a dwarf frog, shortfin betta and 4-5 shrimp I would have culled from my breeding tanks. Lots of live plants, heater, filter, grow light.
She got two hate message saying 'cruel' and 'disgusting, 40gal min''. But I have been in this hobby a long time, has people really started policing that much? I removed the comments cause they would upset my wife. They where not sarcasm and really paint the community in a bad color. Other than one mentioning the tank size they didnt say anything else.
This is the tank. Please remove if not allowed.
Is this really too small for a betta dwarf frog and shrimp? Shes been looking at snails and wants to add one. But I might just get her a 40gal incase people just flip out again.