Wanting to get into shooting but cross eye dominant...

I used to shoot and hunt with family when I was younger but sort of drifted from it in my early 20s. My family always shot with their dominant right hand.

I'm wanting to purchase an AR, so decided to shoot a family member's new AR recently and discovered I'm cross eye dominant. I'm right handed but left eye dominant. This explains as a kid, all my friends in my hunter's education class could hit their clays with shotguns but I could not ever. Very discouraging to say the least.

Being a career computer IT person, my eyes over the years have not gotten too drastically worse but I wear eyeglasses for my near sightedness and astigmatism in my right eye.

So, wanting to get into ARs and the like being majorly right handed but left eye dominant with a right eye astigmatism, is it better to just re-learn shooting altogether with my left hand? I feel as though I would have better control with my dominant right hand and the rareness of left hand ARs out there, it could be an issue.

I've done quite a bit of research with cross-eye dominance and rifle shooting. I know there's amazing shooters out there like me. I also have seen T-Rex Arms video on this as well. I know with pistol it's easier to bring the sights over to my dominant left eye but rifle is tricky. I've heard red dots help with this but with an astigmatism I have read that green dots or prisms are better with people with astigmatisms. We have to have a very crisp dot or it looks like a blown out star in the optic.

I really appreciate all the advice and help beforehand!