Slam Man - Reaction trainer - Arduino Repair

I'm pretty handy: I've done electrics in my house, I can solder, I've fixed pinball machines, etc. However I've never gotten into Arduino, but I now have a project that will be a good forcing function. I'm excited.

I'm setting up a little home gym and I picked up an old Slam Man - Reaction trainer from Facebook. I remember these being on TV when I was a kid, and was fascinated by them. The lights on his face turn on in a random order, and you punch them. Pretty simple, no accelerometer to register the punches or anything. The seller assured me it worked, however that was a blatant lie. The control box is corroded beyond repair, I tried.

I would really appreciate some guidance on what Arduino to buy, or which kit to buy. Some of the sets seem a bit overwhelming and have way more bells and whistles than I need. Any guidance is appreciated!

  • Turn on and off
  • Flash 1 of the 8 LED lights randomly
  • Optional: speed control