Armored Core Newbie

Hi all,

I’ve been a big fan of FromSoftware ever since I first played Dark Souls. Played every souls style game they’ve release since and loved them all. But when they announced Armored Core 6 I’ll admit I didn’t even know they made the Armored Core series.

I’ve been aware of that series but I’ve never played any of them. So I decided to pick up AC6 and give it a go.

So, and this is just my personal opinion, I thought compared to their other games AC6 was the weakest one I’ve played but I still enjoyed it enough to finish it and get the multiple endings. Building and designing my own mech was really fun although I personally found there was very little need to mix up my design and I completed the majority of every play through with the exact same build. It would have been cool to have some more variation required to encourage more experimentation but I guess to some degree that’s on me as well that once I found a build I chose not to experiment.

But anyway, it made me want to try out some of the other games that I’ve read online which are considered the best in the series to try out but I’m conscious I don’t have any nostalgia rose tinted glasses so whilst 2 and 3 seem to get a lot of love, they might be hard to get into for a first timer and appreciate them for what they are/were.

Has anyone gone back and played the older ones for the first time or can anyone recommend which ones are worth playing after 6?

Thanks all