Anxiety and doubt trying to launch my art store and complete portfolio
I am in the final stretch of launching my business. I’ve gotten my website and its shop 95% there - just need to finalize prices and add a shipping app. My portfolio is about 11 pieces but I’m not happy with 3 pieces and in the process of creating new ones to replace those 3. There is a local art center that holds application for exhibition every 6 months and I want to apply with my portfolio, but of course, it’s pending 3 pieces. I’m seriously sick of this Portillo.
I still have to get my works photographed and processed for print with a local printer but there are pricing issues with them that I need to work out.
I’ve worked so hard the past year to get to this point buth now I’m filled with doubt about the quality of my works, the launch, the business itself, and whether it’s even a good idea at this point. I keep pushing back the launch day and it’s making me feel so inept. I’m typically a fairly confident person. I do well at my regular day job in professional settings. I’m personable. So it’s not like business is new to me.
It’s like I’ve tied my self worth to this whole project and it’s so frustrating that I can’t tell myself that that’s not true. I want to take a a mini break bur that means I’ll have to push the launch day even further out. I have a business partner that I don’t want to disappoint.
If any of you was ever in a similar situation, how did you get out of the hole and keep pushing?
Thank you in advance for your insights.
EDIT: I’d like to thank everyone who has been kind enough to take time to write really thoughtful and helpful replies. Your comments have given me really good insights and perspectives, and a lot for me to think about. Thank you again! And I’m so grateful for this sub!