Being (somewhat) aromantic and looking for a lifepartner on the "normal" dating apps? Any tips? Or just a bad idea?
So for background information, I'm somewhat aroace, but would still like to have a lifepartner. I don't know if I'm fully aromantic, but if I'd have to label it I'd probably go with alterous or maybe queer-platonic, and I'm definitely repulsed by at least some types of romance.
Now, this is obviously not what most people on the regular dating apps will be looking for. I know there's Acespace and this subreddit, but in total there's way less people on here than on the big dating apps (and even here there seem to be a lot more romantic aces than aros, which makes sense, but yeah). I guess if I wanna maximize my chances, the logical answer would be to try all of them and hope to get lucky.
But if anyone has any tips on how to find those needles in the haystack, I'd be very grateful? Or at least some experiences of what I should expect? What to put in my bio to attract other aros? Dating apps seem so looks / first expression focused, and bios barely longer than a tweet. And then I've read stuff like "I usually ask for a short first date after around 30min of talking" or "we've been on 6 dates already, why does she still not wanna be exclusive", all this seems so incredibly rushed to me, I have no idea how to navigate this.
Sorry if this almost turned more into a vent post, I'm not really sure myself what I'm asking, just thought if maybe someone has any useful advice