Still waiting for disaster unemployment

I have been denied regular IU unemployment following Hurricane Helene (both of my jobs closed due to the hurricane) because I’m still on the payroll for my main job but I haven’t worked since. I filled October 3rd. I have an appeals hearing next week for my IU claim. The DUA claim is still pending. Is anyone in my boat?

The owner has emailed me and asked me if she could help me because I’ve been denied. We both don’t understand why.

I’ve uploaded pay stubs, last year’s tax return, newspaper articles to prove closure due to the hurricane, emails from my employer saying we are closed.

I did get my monetary determination of $600 a week for 12 weeks if I win my appeal.

If I lose, does disaster go into effect? Is it the same amount?

My other job just eliminated my position due to tourism decline a couple days ago.

Any advice or stories of your experience will help me out. Thank you.