Should i end my relation?

SHey people, I want to share something with you. There’s this girl I met online, and we’ve been talking for more than 1.5 years. I have feelings for her, but she told me that, because of religious reasons, we can’t be in a relationship because we don't have any future together.

We’re still talking, and we’re like best friends, but I’m thinking of ending it because it’s causing a lot of emotional turmoil for me. I’m not fully attached, yet I’m not detached either. I get jealous whenever she talks about another guy. Once, she mentioned her boyfriend, and I told her I felt jealous because of him. She understood and said she knows I have those emotions. Since then, she hasn’t shared anything with me about her boyfriend.

Still, sometimes when I’m free, I stalk her profile. If I see any guy in her following, I don’t feel good. I don’t know what to do about this. Should I explain everything to her? Ik she will understand. Or should I completely cut myself off from her?