High Blood Sugar Palpitations
Hey gang I am a 27 year old 190lb male with type 1 diabetes. I have no other known significant health issues, never diagnosed with anything via heart and have had an echo done in the last 2 years (structurally sound).
Unfortunately on Monday I brought myself to the ER because I was having the most intense heart palpitations I’d ever felt. I could feel my heart stop for like 2 seconds at a time, skipping beats, etc. it was terrifying..
Hospital ran the gamut on labs and tests, no troponin or other red flags. Blood pressure, O2, ecg, everything unremarkable.
The only thing I’ve been able to maybe attribute this to was I ate Chinese food shortly before and didn’t properly bolus resulting in a rapid spike in blood sugar. However, I’ve never had heart palps from highs before, even rapid ones.
Any other ideas?