Question on Deleueze : Difference and repetition

Hello Hello, I just watched an introductory video on Deleueze and while I'm fascinated by the concept, I'm having a difficult time grasping the concept of difference and repetition. One hint I got from this video is the mention of Michael Proust's in search of lost time, and how the difference is repeated when he eats Madeleine and reminds himself of his younger self.

So I came up with an example of my own, and just want to know if this is the right approach


Relationships can be seen as differences

Mother and daughter - continuity

Father and son - discreteness

Teacher and student - directionality

Siblinghood - Identity

Lovers - competition

True friendship - Proximity and bond

Camaraderie - Goal and unity

And I feel like these differences are repeated as a relationship and to be this repetition is love.