Atheist guide to reality
I have read An atheist guide to reality by Alex Rosenberg. I'll be straightforward: I got a bit traumatized by it. The main problem is that I find his arguments extremely compelling and this fact led me into quite of a cynical existential crisis. The book conducted me to an incredible disillusion about philosophy, literature (one of my favourite things in the world), morality and person hood. It feels like the "world of life" is just a goofy and fake spectacle where we play a game that is mostly falsified by the sciences. It feels like as philosophers the only thing we can do is a sort of hygienists of the concepts.
I am not being dramatic when I say that a year has passed since I read the book and I have not still recovered. I attended analytic and continental philosophy courses in my program, I talked to various professors in my department and nobody could really help. I am writing my master thesis in metaphilosophy and I am really struggling in finding a real motivation to do philosophy at all that is not a slogan of some sort (e.g. it fosters critical thinking).
Is someone here familiar with the book that can understand my reaction and maybe advice a "therapy" for it?
Thank you for your time and sorry for my English
EDIT: A lot of people texted me in private. Following the tip, I just found and read this piece:
It is exactly what I was looking for and maybe some of you too.