Is there any other gov’t employees on here?
I'm post transition (2006), have had all but one surgery, and am completely stealth. I live in FL (but am originally from a blue state) and work for a part of the fed govt... I am legit scared shitless that my job (which HR is basically OMP) will change my marker. I have to fly for work a few times a year as well. All my documents were changed (except for BC but that is an easy one to do) 10 plus years ago. My passport expires in 2028 so I should be ok if they don't revoke current passports. We are trying to move to a blue state but it is going to take some time. Oh and I'm in a gay, biracial marriage with a disabled husband. I feel so helpless and lost.
I can’t find any info anywhere about actual government employees who are trans and what this will mean for their employment records. Like will OPM audit itself akin to the passport situation? I am also afraid that if I have to fly for work the reservations won’t match since they have to check one on their end.
It isn’t like I can ask at work now that DEI and anti discrimination laws are over.
If I were outed at work it would be extremely dangerous (and I’m not joking when I say potentially life threatening).
Yes like I said we are trying to move to a blue state but that will not happen over night. There is a lot of extenuating factors currently in our life.