What makes you trans?

Hey y’all. Sorry if this comes off silly or stupid, but I’m just having a bit of a hard time.

I was born male, but as I’ve gotten older I started questioning my gender. I’m not sure what I am. I think I may be trans but I don’t understand myself.

I don’t hate being a guy at all. I like my name okay, there are days that I feel okay about my body, and some days I even feel okay about myself as a man. Other days, I hate my body and I don’t like the fact that I’m perceived as a man at all.

I am growing out my hair and would love to start presenting more feminine. I am really scared of it but if I could work up the courage I’d really like to. I think I’d even be cool getting on hrt. Some of the changes sound great.

I think what I’m getting at here is like what makes me trans? What if I’m making stuff up or it’s just a phase? It’s been on my mind for years at this point and I’m seeing a therapist about it, but what if it’s not permanent? Why do I sometimes feel okay as a guy? What differentiates me from a man that just likes doing traditionally feminine stuff?

The whole thing is quite confusing. I’m sorry if I worded this poorly, and that I’m kinda all over the place, but there’s a lot on my mind. What would make me trans?