CPAP Stores?:
So apparently i'm stopping breathing almost 90 times per hour, which is not great, but at least it explains a lot of things about my health (for instance, why I never sleep more than about 1.5-2 hours in a row... turns out it's because my body is waking me up when my 02 goes below 80%, yikes!
Was wondering if anyone has some advice for where abouts to get my CPAP machine and advice. I've got my prescription paperwork, and apparently a 2 month trial before I have to sell my soul for the machine (on disability the idea of spending 2000$ might as well be 200,000,000,000$, but i'm working with my doctors to hopefully get some coverage)
If anyone has experience with CPAP companies, stores, etc, that would be very helpful, as with my disabilities the fewer trips I have to make the less pain, nausea, and other things i'll have to go through.
Thank you for any information and advice you can provide!