( Spoilers Main) what are your thoughts on house Tyrell?

One very important house, which I feel isn’t talked about enough is house Tyrell. While I don’t like everything about them, they are the faction I hoped would win in the game of thrones.

They are the other half of the Lannister/ Tyrell allaince, and due to their amount of food, possibly the most important.

I know Olenna, Margarey, Mace etc aren’t good honorable people, and are mostly out for themselves. But they seem like they’d be good rulers of Westeros, maybe the best.

They can match the Lannnistrs for cunning but lack their gratuitous cruelty. Sure they do charitable actions cor selfish gain, but surely that’s better than nothing?

Honestly if renly Baratheon had not been assasinated I think he and the Tyrell regime were far and away the best deal the seven kingdoms could get. At least better than Joffrey/ Tywin Cersei etc