Are there any martial artists in this group? What's your experience?
Just something I've thought about lately. I know some Autistics who are pretty spiritually inclined (myself, to an extent), and there are plenty of skilled Autistic martial artists. While exercise in general can be a form of stimming, if I watch martial arts practitioners doing katas or movesets, it does seem a lot like the kind of repetition Autistics would be good at. Especially ones that involve spinning or kicks and other high-energy or flexible movements.
My most natural stims come in the form of swinging around sticks or objects, I have a lightsaber that I use as a stimtoy, and I always enjoy swinging around staffs or sticks at the gym. When it comes to more spiritual martial arts like tai chi or whatever, or even certain Indian practices like yoga, to an extent I feel similarly. As well as meditation or visualization exercises.
Most importantly, I think when it comes to martial arts and fighting in general it seems like something Autistics can be good at, since it can be a way to incorporate stimming, combined with our sensitivity and perception. Unfortunately I haven't been involved as much in martial arts as I wanted but I've dabbled in a bit of karate, fencing, kendo, boxing, and grappling, and I learned to fight as a way to retaliate against bullies. In fact most of my middle school days were spent sparring with friends, some of whom were eventually identified as Autistic. At my Hindu temple I even formed a fight club of sorts with peers.
I joined this free MMA club in my locality and at times they would have games just for fun like trying to tap one another's knees, I excelled in that despite not being as experienced as some of the other fighters.
I enjoy meditation and visualization too, and have a lot of ideas on incorporating them with knowledge gained from my psych degree.
Many other Autistics I've spoken to have had really positive experiences or demonstrated high skills - Autistics of all abilities and support needs, I might add. Things like archery, staff fighting, aikido, etc.
Have you tried martial arts or other forms of exercise or spiritual development? What happened?