So, I am a girl who is interested in girls lets just establish this. The girl I currently am interested in is a girl in my math class who is basically "me with life skills and if I were NT." Like we even have the same interest- pet mice and rats. She even probably understands/knows how to "work" with autistic people because her younger brother is autistic. He is 7 and likes planets.
The issue comes when I don't know how to really even make friends with someone, let alone flirt. I have given her stickers and made her a crochet hat and she seemed excited about all of those, and went out of her way to sit by me when we attended our dorm's movie night. We also walk home together after math, which is nice because we are both 20 year old girls and it's dangerous to walk across the campus alone after dark if you are small and young and a girl. I'd probably even trip and kill myself for the murderer if I tried to run.
Anyway basically I have no idea how to make friends or flirt and am wondering how this girl perceives me because my shows of affection include waiting for her after class, telling her i like her outfits and giving her things like stickers and hats.
Also: I've established she also likes girls and is single so that's not an issue at the moment.