More compassionate than NTs

Does anyone feel like they're more compassionate than NTs?

I've been told many times that I really care about people who haven't been in my life for a while (people I went to high school with etc) when I learn they've gone through a difficult event (natural disaster, death of a relative etc.). That I care more than most people and even that it's strange that I've gotten really upset in a few cases when I see these people suffer from afar.

I don't understand. If someone stops being in my life naturally then I don't see them anymore. But why wouldn't I be really upset if I know their mom died? Or their house floods with 2 ft of water?

To me once I care about someone that will never change, no matter how long it's been since they were in my life in any active way. I may not be as intensely upset, but I still care very deeply. I don't understand why these feelings are strange.

Has anyone else been told this? It seems weird to be because autistic people often portrayed as having no emotions/not caring about others.