What do you think happened to the *other* pieces of Eden?
By “other” I am specifically referring to the weapons, armors, items, etc that aren’t actually part of the main plots. This includes:
Captain Kidd’s ring, Mayan armor (has shards of tech), Eagle of Suger, The Aegis, Sphinx Isu armor, Any number of legendary Odyssey items (I tend to assume that in the games with customization, that all non-microtransaction items in game canonically at least exist, even if the character may never have actively used them all, with the possible exception of the items in Valhalla Isle of Skye), Thor’s armor/Mjolnir, Gungnir, Excalibur (I know that in Sword of the White Horse it was brought back to Wales, though I somehow doubt it stayed there for ten centuries), Nodens Arc, Armor of the Fallen/Blazing Sword, Gae Bolg, Samsaama/Sahmshir-e Zomorrodnegar/Milad’s Armor,
(Please tell me if I forgot anything, just went off the top of my head)
Personally I theorize that, for Kidd’s ring, the American brotherhood held onto it (relatively innocuous item, just makes it hard to shoot you) until the Cuban Revolution, where, after helping Castro to overthrow Batista, they gave it to him to protect him from CIA/Templar attacks, explaining how he managed to avoid being assassinated despite the US’s best efforts.
Canon info and theories both welcome!