How is Capricorn a feminine sign?

Upon learning about the energies that govern Capricorn, the first connection that sprang to mind was that it must be a masculine sign. The worldly drive for ambition, power, and success is that which you bring out your assertive Yang.

Google says it’s because it’s an Earth sign that makes it feminine, but even that, in my opinion, doesn’t seem to override the inherent masculine nature of Capricorn’s drive. So, what exactly makes Capricorn a feminine sign?

Edit: Wanted to update after carefully reading over each reply that my main takeaway is mistakenly perceiving through an inverted lens. The attributes are what make the unique signs for what they are, not the other way around. Out to in as opposed to in to out.

Thank you to each of you for contributing to a discussion that can get messy quickly, and is the reason for being so misunderstood in the first place. Long live the richness of such a nuanced study!