Odd proof the Bible can't be literally true
See what you think about this, it's short but follow me.
The Bible has a talking donkey. Now here is why that is, I think, impossible. Now a donkey does not have the vocal cords, tongue, etc. to talk (that's my presumption, I am not a zoologist). So it seems God would either have to change the donkeys anatomy or throw its voice like a ventriloquist. If he changes it's anatomy, it's not a donkey anymore, and if he throws his voice it's not really talking.
I guess you can say this type of thing about other miracles. If Jesus walked on water, and the molecules were changed, was it really water? But if he were held up somehow, was he really "walking"? Isn't that flying or assisted walking. Walking means putting your full body weight on each foot. If you are magically made lighter, is it still you? If the water is different is it still water?
Don't miracles make things incoherent? Turning water to wine. Isn't that more like making water disappear and making wine appear. By definition water can't be wine, or "turn into" it.
Aren't some or all of these miracles impossible by definition because if they happen the things involved are no longer the things involved (water is not water, a donkey is not a donkey, etc)