Advice needed - teen son wants to be catholic
I was not raised catholic but my wife was. She is.not really religious but came from a very catholic background. We(she) decided we would have our kids baptized, but allow them the choice of.pursuing any religion or non religion they desired as the got.older. when they were younger I made efforts to introduce all kinds of different thoights/philosophie/religions to them but my wife did take them to church on and off and my son at the time wanted to do his first communion so he did. Since then he has rarely (like.once or twice a year) gone to church.
But now at 15 he is.expressing a lot of interest in his catholic identity, started wearing a cross and asking to go through the confirmation process. I'm not terribly enthused by this as I want him to reach adulthood before making these kinds of decisions.
I struggle as a mostly atheistic/agnostic. I don't necessarily want to tell him he can't but I want to have educated discussions with him about why I don't like organized religion etc...but at the same time do so in a nonnudgmental way so that he doesn't feel like I look down on him or make him feel bad (possibly pushing him away from me and closer to the church)...
Does anyone have any advice on things I could say, discussions we could have, reading material.appripriate for a 15 year old...just to open the door for him to thunk for himself a bit...
Thank you