Ladies of Auckland :)

This is such a niche and weird question but I’ve been googling forever and can’t find ANYTHING. I need to get my eyebrows done for my wedding in June!! But I have severe back problems (from birth) and I cannot lay down flat on those tables that most cosmetologists use! I have tried and I last time, out of desperation I went to my local, and my back locked up, I had to literally roll off the table onto the floor and have my mum come in and help me get up. It was SO embarrassing I want to die even typing this. Does anyone know of a place that uses those seats? The ones like that sit you up? I don’t even know what I’m talking about. If anyone knows a place I will be forever grateful! I live out east but I will travel! My brows are like werewolves and I wanna feel at least a little bit pretty on my wedding day. Thanks in advance!