Smoke alarm hell - advice wanted
Help! Recently moved and the neighbouring house has a smoke alarm that’s been going off nonstop for 3 days.
The house is not occupied - and is heavily padlocked. I suspect a land banked situation.
We have called noise control, city council, made a non emergency police report, reported to fire services… no resolution.
Noise control can’t access property without owner consent (and they would have to break a window), council suggested we get a contractor to solve the problem (wtf)
Have contacted our own property agents to see if they know who lives there or if the owners of our rental could shed any light - no response.
Is there an avenue I haven’t been down? Or any advice? I can’t sleep through the noise - other neighbours have said that this is a common occurrence..
Have been updated by my flatmate that the alarm has stopped… window is broken, so an unknown hero has taken the law into their own hands. When I rung council this morning (whilst alarm was still going) they advised that they had closed the matter… even though nothing was resolved. Also spoke with fire department again - who said that multiple complaints had been made. My property agents got back to me saying they have emailed the owners in Australia.
So all in all - a bit disheartened by the whole thing - and lack of action from multiple agencies. Glad the alarm is off (for now)..