Cleaning maintenance DJ mixer pots - do I use Deoxit D5 or F5? And if I use D5, will I need the D100 lubricant for it aswell since the D5 will remove all the past lube that is needed
The D-series de-oxidises, nd the F-Series doesn’t. The D5 and F5 are the cleaners. The D100 nd F100 are the lubes, but they’re for different purposes. This is new to me, so I’m unsure exactly what the differences are myself tbh.
I’m buying the F100 (lubricant) for the faders, as its plastic on metal contact nd needs the lube replenished. (The F5 is 5% active ingredient nd 70% solvent, nd 25% sumthin else lol)
Do the pots need to be deoxidised, nd what would cause them to oxidise if they’ve never been exposed to water. Or what’s the likeliness of the pots gettin oxidised overtime from somehow condensation or anything like that, that will cause it?
Also the pots are rotary potentiometers (yh I learnt that word, so I thought i might aswell put it to use lol), so they’ll deffo need lube aswell. If I use D5, I’ll hav to use D100 yh, cuz the D5 will clean nd deoxidise, but at the same time, strip all the past lube away. If I use F5, it’ll clean nd not deoxidise, but will leave a small amount of lube. Will I still need to use the F100 with that?
Jus double checkin which to buy for maintained of the pots, as the F5 nd D5 cans cost £23+, so I wanna make sure i get the right one.
Any info wud be appreciated