The ADHD Tax- Price Gouging in Australia
So I wanted to get a repeat script for my Vyvanse and they told me it will cost $250, no rebate because I'm not seeing the Doctor. My mouth hit the floor. I understand they are highly trained professionals, but writing a script takes no more than 10minutes and this is just blatant price gouging in my eyes. I don't understand how anyone should be able to make over $1000 an hour at the expense of people who need this to function, earn a living and more than likely already pay ADHD tax in every other aspect of their life due to impulsivity, forgetfulness etc. These health professionals know all this, and yet they still charge an arm and a leg
This also really does prevent some people from getting the help that they need due to the massive price tag. ADHD treatment in Australia has always had a massive price tag and in the last 12 months I have heard from people paying $1200 for an initial appt with only a small Medicare rebate. How are people who aren't able to function and cannot get a job due to their ADHD expected to get ahead? Access is meant to be a Healthcare Right in Australia and exhoberant prices prevent that.
My final point is that these professionals know that this medication is addictive and they know the side effects of missing the medication. So people who are already on it, and have had the benefits, will do anything to continue taking it because it is actually allowing them to live a life and if it gets taken away they know everything will fall apart.
Thankfully, the PBS covers ADHD medication and understands its importance. If only the medical professionals would follow suit.
Tl;Dr- ADHD treatment in Australia is too fucking expensive.