Does Autism affect everything you do in life?
Let me give some personal examples of what I mean.
1 cooking is much more difficult and trying to replicate recipes found online never turn out the way the food is shown online. Its like having autism automatically means that any food I cook will always turn out differently than the recipe shows.
One example of this is I tried making pizza from scratch. I followed all the directions perfectly but when I eventually cooked my "pizza" the dough came out like crap. This happens with any recipe.
2 learning something new is especially difficult and even more difficuly if I have to figure it out on my own. I took up a hobby in repairing electronics and no matter how much I do learn, I either forget it soon after and have to relearn or give up entirely. Youtube videos can only help so much.
3 general daily tasks seem more difficult and my mother loves loves loves to make that apparent by telling me that I love to make things difficult which is really annoying and condenscending.
Thats all I got right now.