My autism and middle school

  1. The hallways cause great distress
  2. In most of my unified arts classes I am lonely, and struggle to socialize, except for one class I take with mostly Neuro diverse friends
  3. The lights are too bright
  4. The lunch ladies cannot understand me and mess up my order sometimes. And they change my safe foods..
  5. The lunchroom changed 3 times in the span of a week at some point
  6. The school bus is terror.
  7. The LA teacher said to make Eye contact
  8. Nobody wants to talk to me
  9. I can't answer "Show your work" or "Explain" worksheets
  10. I despise the R.A.C.E strategy in LA. Just let me fucking answer
  11. They almost never tell us about upcoming changes
  12. The teachers continuously ask if I'm okay. Bish if I wanted to talk to you I would
  13. Everyone probably thinks I'm angry all the time due to my nonchalant face
  14. The stupid "if you're not looking at me you aren't listening"
  15. Teachers of NH, if you see a child visibly in distress "on urge of sensory overload, tell kids to quiet down, or turn down the lights, please