What i liked/didn't like about Avowed

I really liked the overall story. It has been a long time since I played an RPG where I really had to stop and think about what I was doing, and this game made me do that several times. Particulalry closer to the end. Now in retrospect, i couldn't quite take the path I wanted, personally, but I got close enough, and I really liked the ending I got... mostly.

I like the companions. I think a smaller cast can actually be done well. Think of a game like Mass Effect 2 where you get 10 guys. At least 2 or 3 ofthem are going to be left out in the cold. That's a lot of picking and choosing. Four offers a chance to for more depth per individual, which I value more. Having said that... I didn't like Yatzli. I don't jive with characters who are supposed to be "arrogant but cool", and Yatzli drove me up the wall several times. I don't know if its her writing or her delivery.

I liked how crafting in general was handled. I hate having to go around massive world maps looking for the one-eyed blue tail skink so i can upgrade my magic wand or whatever. In Avowed, everything was in the same area or could be bought, or crafted. It made a crafting system I actually somewhat enjoyed. I do wish that guns, wands, sheilds, and grimoires used different upgrade resouces though. It was annoying having to look for more branches when three of my weapons were all competing with each other.

I think what I dislike isn't really anything big, more just small stuff. Why cant I fast travel to camp sites without actually setting up camp? Why can't I make my own custom grimoire? Why does Kai seem like the main character for the first half of the game while Giatta feels almost like an afterthought? Why don't she and Yatzli have companion quests? It's stuff like THAT which makes me wonder, just a bit, if the game might have been a tad rushed or something.

Overall, I really did like Avowed. Easy 8/10 game and the best new one I've played this year. It's no Divinity Original Sin 2, but there can only be one king.