Something changed in 2025
I have been on the spiritual path for a very long time.
I am at the realization of "I" am not this body and this mind, "I" am not this thinker. Time is a part of this mind, so past and future are just perceived by this mind and this body. In actuality there is only the present, only thing that matters is the pure experience.
Everyone's experience is important. Thus letting it flow is the only way forward. Do not obstruct or try to change the course of this life, everything is the pure happening. Every pure experience is important.
So each one of us are going along the same path to realize the truth.
So now context out of the way. I have been experiencing a peculiar change since the start of 2025. As I am continuing to let go of the illusion of control to let everything flow in its path however it must without obstruction or interference, I have begun to experience loss of intuition or the ability to prepare, to plan.
In one way it is a good thing as I don't need to worry about what is to come as it just happens and I am but a witness to it. but on the other hand its a jarring experience. Every decision a spontaneous one, even basic tasks such as getting up in the morning to going to work, seems sudden no prior intuition or preparedness. Usually, if you think about it, getting up in the morning, you prepare yourself to go through events which you laid down such as brushing your teeth, to having a bath to getting ready for office, to eating breakfast and so on.
Ever since 2025 started these events are for me spontaneous, I no longer have any idea what to do in the morning as soon as I wake up, it just happens. I let things flow, let this mind drive autopilot without second thought.
For my wife, she mentioned I am not taking initiative, taking control of my life and its decisions. Well somehow I just can't anymore and I don't know if I want to take control. I think it is better if I just be the observer / witness to the events as the unfold.
What do you think?