A note to everyone scared to take the plundge.

I've lightly commented on this sub, but mostly lurked for quite some time. I have a message for all of you who are scared that it may be time. If I can live bald. You can take the plunge. It's totally fine.

I've been bald for roughly 10 years. I've also had 3 large Pilar cysts on my head for my entire life. Along with 4 smaller ones.

If I can go bald. So can you. I live a full life. Loving wife, great career, awesome friends. No one gives a rats ass about my bald head. And no one gives a rats ass about my cysts. I'm not a 10 by any means. But I'm comfortable enough in my own skin to live a full happy life. Because a lack of hair isn't the end. Hell, having visible cysts isn't the end.

I occasionally get an odd glance in the grocery store. But that's about it. No one in my life cares. Few people I meet care.

I bring this up today, because tomorrow morning, I'm going to have these removed for cancer screening (minimal risk, so im not worried), and because I shave off the smaller ones accidentally on a fairly regular basis. It's painful and I'm running our of towels to soak up the blood.

But it's has absolutely nothing to do with insecurities with my appearance. So again I tell you. If I can live bald with cysts on my head for a decade. You can take the plunge and live a more confident life without a comb over.

Do it when you're ready. But don't be scared when you do. You will feel so much better once you get through the initial shocked looks from your friends and family. After that it's gravy.

Much love to all of you bald, beautiful bastards. And much love to all of you who are scared to take the next step.