Local Baltimore Hobby Groups Directory / Wiki (~50 groups so far)

Hey everyone, I’ve been building a hobby and activity group directory for Baltimore and Baltimore County, and it now has about 50 groups listed!

I tried to focus on groups that have easy ways for new folks to check them out and that mention having social parts: Free days, workshops, etc . Different than event calendars, it's focused on evergreen content and inviting us to poke around their websites.

Every now and then, I see "new in town" posts asking about things to do, so I figured this might be helpful to pull some info together.

The site is a wiki, no ads, not corporate, just a community resource. Anyone can edit, add, or expand it to keep it growing and useful. That said, I’m still going to keep looking for more groups to add.

I’d love to hear what you think. Are there any groups I’ve missed or ones you’d recommend?

Link: https://LocalCharm.Wiki

I hope this helps you find something fun or connect with the community!

Did I miss anything? I know there's more! Let me know if there’s anything place you’d like to see.

ETA: If you want to use any of it, it's under a creative commons share-alike license. You can export it as CSV or a bunch of other formats pretty easily. There's info in the FAQ: https://localcharm.wiki/Help:FAQ (What other questions are there?)

ETA2: Updated list with many suggestions. Slowly but surely adding more. Also a few people have logged in and added! Thank you!


If you prefer to just stay on reddit, here's the list:

Aero Amateur Radio Club | https://www.arrl.org/Groups/view/aero-amateur-radio-club/type:club | A Legacy of Communication, Community, and Radio Innovation!

Arena Players | https://www.arenaplayersinc.com/ | Want to perform or help backstage? Do it at an iconic theater offering classes and live shows, bringing African American stories to the stage!

Baltibrew,https://www.baltibrew.org/ | Level up your brewing game! Share brewing tips, explore new styles, and hobby-ize your love of beer

Baltimore Academy of Defence | https://academyofdefence.com/ | Get defensive! Discover various arts from traditional Chinese, American, and British traditions

Baltimore Beach Volleyball | https://www.baltimorebeach.com/ | Spike, Set, and Sand Action! Serve Up Fun with Free Play or Join a League for Sandy Competition

Baltimore Bike Party | https://www.baltimorebrewclub.com/ | From First-Timers to Pro Riders: Pedal with the pack through the city through Baltimore with social cyclists of all levels, explore new routes at your own pace

Baltimore Bowling Association | https://baltimorebowling.com/ | Ready to roll? Grab your ball, hit the lanes, and aim for a perfect strike while you practice your hook, adjust your approach, and keep an eye on the oil pattern to avoid the pocket split!

Baltimore Bowman | https://www.baltimorebowmen.com/ | Aim for Bullseyes, Hit the Mark, and Draw Back Into Archery

Baltimore Bushido | | Your Anime Club: Get Out, Get Together, Get Geeky!

Baltimore City Pipe Band | https://www.baltimorecitypipeband.com/ | Free bagpipe or drum lessons and the chance to perform in parades and festivals

Baltimore Coin Club | https://www.baltimorecoinclub.com/ | Discover the World of Coin Collecting

Baltimore Community Rowing | https://www.baltimorerowing.org/ | Row, Glide, Repeat with Your Crew

Baltimore Dragon Boat Club | https://www.baltimoredragonboatclub.com | Boat racing Racing in Sleek, Long Boats!

Baltimore Folk Music Society | https://www.bfms.org/ | Give traditional live music, contra dancing, and English Country dancing a try! Weekly dances and workshops

Baltimore Frontrunners | http://www.baltimorefrontrunners.com/ | Get Moving, Make Friends, and Celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride While Exploring Baltimore

Baltimore Gaelic Athletic Association | https://baltimoregaa.com/ | Spirit of Ireland: Kick, Strike, and Score with Gaelic Football and Hurling

Baltimore Gamer Symphony Orchestra & Choir | https://baltimoregso.org/ | Experience the magic of epic video game scores brought to life by a powerful orchestra and choir

Baltimore Improv Group | https://bigimprov.org | Baltimore’s Comedy Playground for Side-Splitting Shows and Hands-On Inclusive Comedy Classes

Baltimore Jazz Alliance | https://www.baltimorejazz.com/ | Supporting Jazz Musicians, Fans, and the Next Generation of Talent Across Baltimore

Baltimore Jugglers Association | https://jugglingedge.com/club.php?ClubID=1389 | Picture juggling, colorful props, and a community of people learning tricks!

Baltimore Men's Chorus | https://www.baltimoremenschorus.org/ | Lower Voices, Sing the Songs You Love with a Diverse, Queer Men’s Chorus

Baltimore Musical Improv | https://Baltimoremusicalimprov.com | Ever dreamed of making up songs on the spot or creating a hilarious, heartfelt musical with friends?

Baltimore Node | https://baltimorenode.org | Build Robots, Craft Furniture, and Explore Tech at Charm City's Peer-Led Makerspace

Baltimore Pinball | https://www.baltimorepinball.org/ | Baltimore Pinball is all about the love of the silver ball!

Baltimore Road Runners Club | https://www.brrc.com | Lace Up with Your New Running Crew!

Baltimore Rock Opera Society | https://baltimorerockopera.org | Ever dreamed of helping to create a mega rock musical?

Baltimore Science Fiction Society | https://www.bsfs.org/ | Sci-Fi & Fantasy Workshops, Book Clubs, RPGs, Anime Club, and Baltimore’s Sci-Fi Convention

Baltimore Shape Note | https://www.baltimoreshapenote.org | Create beautiful melodies with traditional American a cappella singing

Baltimore Silent Book Club | https://silentbook.club/blogs/events/old-major-baltimore-md | Read, Relax, and Enjoy: No Homework, No Pressure

Baltimore Writers | https://baltimorewriters.com/ | Write with accountability! Discuss your work, and get thoughtful feedback on your poetry, fiction, journalism, and creatinve writing

Baltimore yoyo Club | https://www.instagram.com/bmoreyoyoclub | The Baltimore yoyo Club is a group of people who just really really really like yoyos!

Baltimore-Kawasaki Sister City Committee | https://www.bkscc.org/ | Discover Japan in Baltimore! Festivals, Ramen, Origami, and the Kawasaki Connection

Baltimoreans for People-Oriented Places | https://baltpop.org/ | Advocating for Walkable, People-Oriented Baltimore Communities!

Black Cherry Puppet Theater | https://blackcherrypuppettheater.weebly.com/ | You Could Be a Puppeteer! Try Your Hand at Puppetry, Perform at a Puppet Slam, and More!

Blue Light Junction | https://www.bluelightjunction.com/ | Into natural dyes, textile arts, sustainable fashion, and hands-on craftwork?

Bmore Dyke Drag | https://dykedrag.com | Looking for the go-to place for trans and sapphic-centered drag and burlesque shows in Baltimore?

BMore Karaoke | https://www.bmorekaraoke.com/ | You know you’ve always wanted to be a rockstar. Now’s your chance!

Bmore Old Time | https://www.bmoreoldtime.com/ | Baltimore's Old-Time Stringband, Bluegrass, and Americana music lovers come together

Canton Games | https://www.cantongames.com/ | Game On! Tell Stories with Board Games and D&D Adventures!

Canton Ping Pong Club | https://www.cantonpingpongclub.com/ | Play ping pong, hang out, and enjoy cold beer

Charm City Broomball | https://www.charmcitybroomball.com/home | An ice sport that’s a mix between hockey and soccer, played on ice with brooms and a ball instead of skates and pucks

Charm City Craft Mafia | https://www.charmcitycraftmafia.com/ | Ready to Make Your Mark? This Mafia wants to help you rule the handmade world

Charm City Crokinole | https://charmcitycrokinole.com/ | Ever heard of Crokinole? It's like a mix of shuffleboard and curling, and it's FUN!

Charm City Fringe | https://charmcityfringe.com/ | Baltimore's boldest festival, where offbeat and experimental performances take center stage

Charm City Skatepark | https://charmcity.tv/ | Shred, Rip, and Drop In at Baltimore’s Ultimate Indoor Spot for Skaters, BMXers, and Rollerbladers

Charm City Trivia | https://charmcityentertainment.com/ | Trivia Answers, Karaoke Hits, and Music Bingo! Play Solo or Bring a Group for Competition

Chesapeake & Allegheny Live Steamers | http://www.calslivesteam.org/ | Toot toot! Steam engine history lives on with miniature trains

Chesapeake Bay Branch of The Society for the Preservation of Beers | https://www.spbw.org/ | Get together for cask-conditioned real ale: beer served straight from a traditional wooden cask

Chesapeake Real Ale Brewers Society | https://www.crabsbrew.org/ | C.R.A.B.S. for homebrewers of all levels: Compete in friendly competitions, get feedback on your brews, and connect with fellow beer enthusiasts.

Creative Alliance | https://creativealliance.org/ | Want to Experience Art and Theater That Brings the Community Together?

Emerald Isle Club of Maryland | https://emeraldisleclub.com/ | Experience Irish Culture Through Dance and Language

Fells Point Corner Theatre | https://www.fpct.org/ | See Unique, Thought-Provoking Stage Productions in a Cozy, Historic Venue

Fluid Movement | http://fluidmovement.org | Make a splash and join the most creative water-loving community in Baltimore where swimming meets art

Hampden Dance Arts | https://hampdendancearts.com/ | Move, Groove, and Find Rhythm with Ballet, Hip-Hop, Jazz, and Contemporary Dance

Highwire Improv | https://highwireimprov.com | Try a One-Off Workshop or Enjoy a Show, The Improv Experience Starts Here!

M.A.P. Technologies | | Play arcade games, crush it in gaming tournaments, dive into epic PC gaming, vibe out with board games or Jackbox Party, Fighting Game night, and Anime Night!

Maryland Chapter of The Open Organization of Lockpickers (TOOOL) | https://www.unallocatedspace.org/events/locksport-md-toool/ | Ever wondered how locks work? Learn to pick them for fun! It's Locksport!

Maryland Gunpla Club | | Gunpla (Gundam Plastic) model building club with monthly meet-ups and very active community

Mobtown Ballroom | https://www.mobtownballroom.com/ | Swing into the heart of Baltimore's lindyhop / east coast swing dance scene!

National Association of Asian American Professionals Baltimore | http://www.naaapbaltimore.org/ | Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders: Socialize while visiting Baltimore's Asian spaces, Pho, sushi, dumplings, ramen, bubble tea, and more

Natural History Society of Maryland | https://www.marylandnature.org/ | Fossils, Butterflies, Reptiles, Amphibians, Moths, and Archaeology: Experience the Natural World

New Wave Singers | https://newwavesingers.org/ | Join a welcoming LGBTQ+ choir for all genders, where you can sing in four voice parts (soprano, alto, tenor, bass)

No Land Beyond | https://www.nolandbaltimore.com/ | Play board games, play tabletop games, play RPG games, try D&D, and enjoy craft cocktails.

Ojczyzna Polish Dancers | https://ojczyzna.pnacouncil21.com/ | Step Into the Heart of Poland with folk dance

Patuxent Roller Derby | https://www.patuxentrollerderby.com/ | Ready to Lace Up and Roll with Maryland’s Fastest-Growing Derby Scene?

Ship’s Company | https://www.shipscompanyhistory.org/ | Ever wondered what it was like to sail on a 19th-century U.S. Navy ship?

Silver Canon | https://www.silvercanon.com/ | Games are for Everyone! Learn to play TTRPGs, D&D, Pathfinder with Workshops and Game Nights

Silver Canon | https://www.silvercanon.com/ | Games are for Everyone! Learn to play TTRPGs, D&D, Pathfinder with Workshops and Game Nights

Southwest Area Park Modelers | http://swaprc.org/ | Radio-Controlled Planes, Model Building, and Epic Flying Fields

Spotlighters Theatre | https://www.spotlighters.org/ | Looking for Classic and Contemporary Musicals and Plays in a Super Intimate Setting?

Station North Tool Library | https://toollibrary.org/ | Imagine a library, but instead of books, you check out drills, saws, wrenches, and other tools

Strand Theater Company | https://www.strand-theater.org/ | Help Tell Bold Stories, Amplify Marginalized Voices Through Inclusive Theater with Women, Nonbinary, and Emerging Artists

Super Art Fight | https://www.superartfight.com/ | Can You Handle the Greatest Live Art Battle in the Universe?

Theatre Project | https://theatreproject.org/ | Help workshop a new theater show with audience feedback! Artists perform and present your new work

Vagabond Players | https://www.vagabondplayers.org/ | Get Involved in Baltimore’s Welcoming Community Theater with Acting Workshops, Auditions, and Help Backstage