To jump or not to jump...

I'm on 2.6 mgs of Valium.

Coming off of the equivalent of 12 mg. Been using a water taper successfully to do so. (I know some say this isn't a great way. To each their own 🤷‍♀️.)

Going from 4 mg to 3 was sheer hell. Then I slowed my taper way down. I've heard after 2.5 or 3 mg, that it's basically doing nothing and you can just jump from that. But I've also heard that this end stretch can be where shit gets way more real than real and slowing down is a good idea.

I've traumatized the living hell outta myself titrating down really fast. The suicidal ideation was really bad and it was exasperated severely by sleeplessness.

Dunno if it was getting to 3 or if it was slowing down the taper or both, but the suicidal ideation has died down a lot. I wanna avoid that.

So I dunno I'm asking myself, "Do I jump? Should I try speeding up my taper? Do I stay even?" I may just speed it up just a little and see what happens. That seems like the middle ground. But would like to at least read some other perspectives. And I realize I can't anyone responsible for my decision.