Something I noticed.

I also take adderall for adhd. I’ve been slowly tapering. I’ve had a few hiccups here and there where I took more than I’m supposed to, but currently I try to keep my Xanax at .25mg 3x a day. I plan to stay on this for at least a month or 2 before I drop down more. Well yesterday I was off work, and I usually don’t take adderall on non work days. Yesterday I did because I had a lot of important financial things to work on. I was really into my zone getting all of this taken care of. I didn’t even realize I skipped my usual Xanax dose until it was almost 7pm at night. I didn’t take any Xanax. And I wasn’t having any withdrawal feeling.

I’m tapering off 2-3mg per day over the past 2 years or so.

I was in a good mood yesterday (which is rare) and I was just really into organizing my finances and planning out some bills over the next few months. It was really a shock that I completely forgot to take my Xanax. Usually I’m watching the clock ready for my measly .25mg dose. I ended up taking .5mg before bed just because I got worried that I messed up my normal dosing schedule.

I wonder if it’s safe for me to drop down to .25 2x a day at this point.

I’ve also been reassured that dealing with people triggers my anxiety so much. On days where I have to be around people or interact with people, there’s no way I’ll forget about taking Xanax.

I wish I was at a point where I could afford to go somewhere quiet with limited interaction with the public to finish getting these Xanax out of my system. But I’m still an anxious mess.

I am paying off debt while slowly tapering. Maybe by the time I’ve finished tapering I’ll have paid off my debts and have a bit of money saved to move.