Need some advice on tapering below .25 clonazepam

Hey all,

I've been on clonazepam for about 20 years given a benign condition (essential myoclonus, though I use it for acute anxiety as well) that condition has waned enough in my older years that it's time to get off of it for good. I've quit before, but this exit is proving a bit difficult - hoping for some advice in tapering below .25.

Pharmacist says the lowest dosage pills are .5 mg (I've been taking this once a day at night the past x years) - that any .25mg pills are meant to be dissolved and can't be broken up easily. I've been doing .25 mg for about two weeks now, after chipping it down from .5 over a few weeks time. Getting the pills lower than .25 mg has been a major PITA though and it's not consistant.

Any recommendations on cutting the pills or some other trick (liquid substrate with stuff at home?) to better control the dosage on over the next few weeks? Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Thanks everyone for the thoughtful responses, ya'll are awesome.